Symptoms of Depression

The symptoms of depression are classified into 3 types - social, psychological and physical. These can be observed by how you think and behave, how you feel, and in your ability to socialize or nurture your relationships. Some of the common symptoms of depression are associated with feelings of sadness and a constant low mood. However, there are also other more aggressive symptoms that are often missed. Anyone who is diagnosed with clinical depression, regardless of age, gender, or status, may experience similar symptoms. However, it’s important to understand that there are no two people who would experience depression in exactly the same way. This may vary according to the severity or the intensity of your feelings, your physical and mental health condition, and in how you’re able to cope with what you’re going through.
  • Social symptoms of depression

The social symptoms of depression can be observed in the way you behave around other people. Are you spending too much time on your own? Are you having problems socializing? Are you withdrawing yourself from your friends or colleagues at work? These may be signs that you are suffering from depression.

You may also notice a sudden lack of interest in things that you have previously enjoyed. Most people who are depressed would lose interest in anything like their work or hobbies, and even find that life no longer has any meaning. These sudden changes in your behavior can cause problems at home or at work, and may have a negative impact on your relationships.

  • Psychological symptoms of depression

Do you feel like ‘dark clouds’ are consistently hovering around you? Have you been feeling down for quite a while? Most people who are depressed have a negative thinking pattern and have feelings of sadness and a constant low mood.

 Some of the other psychological symptoms of depression include having feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, frustration and guilt, a low self-esteem or poor self-confidence, irritability, constant bouts of crying or finding yourself tearful even at things that don’t usually make you cry, being constantly worried, poor concentration skills and the inability to make decisions.

If left untreated, depression can lead to more serious symptoms like uncontrollable anger and thoughts of harming oneself or even taking one’s own life.

  • Physical symptoms of depression

One of the early physical symptoms of depression that you can observe is a change in your sleeping pattern. Most people with depression find it hard to fall and stay asleep, while others may also find it difficult to make themselves get up from bed.

Some of the other common physical symptoms of depression include slowed movement or speech, lack of energy and libido, fatigue, headaches, constipation, nausea, muscle cramps, unexplained body pains and changes in appetite, which can lead to a sudden weight change.

It’s important to understand that depression is a mental health problem that needs treatment. If you’re experiencing at least 5 of these symptoms, then you might be suffering from clinical depression. It’s best to seek appropriate help, in order for you to get a proper diagnosis and receive the right kind of treatment that you need. Read more about Therapy, Havening or Anxiety.


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